Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Consign

Turn your closets into CA$H!
That’s right! If you wear designer and better label fashions, you, too, can turn your closet into ca$h! It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s profitable for us both!

Here’s how you do it:

• Go through your wardrobe and take out the following items for consignment: Those you will never wear again, never wore at all, too small, too big, gifts you never returned....anything that isn't your style right now.

• Bring in only top of the line items cleaned and in pristine condition. This is important! Bring us only the things that YOU would want to see in a store as a shopper. Anything stained, ripped, way-too-worn, or out of date should be donated to charity.  Do not put them back in your closet! Feng shui,sir, Feng shui!

• Concentrate on the current season. Just like you, our customers are shopping for items they can wear now. Box up you out of season clothing and store them somewhere out of the way until the appropriate time of year. Out of season stays in the back of your closet until the change of season. Clean, bag, and tag them like this: Lagniappe For Men – fall. 

• Raid Mom and Granny’s closet for vintage jewelry, hats, and furs and unique clothing.

• Keep clothes and suits on wire hanger, shoes in plastic bags, and misc. items in a box. Print your name on bags and boxes. Remember, the more you bring in the bigger the payouts!

• Drive to the most convenient location and let us know if you need help unloading your car.

• We will fill out a contract, you will get a copy, and you will be on your way to turning your closets into cash!

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